Holy Days of God
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The above slideshow is very interesting. They have replaced G-d's holy days in Leviticus 23 with their own version.
Anyway, I want to share with you a message I received on the Leviticus 23 passage. You can determine for yourself what to make of it. Below are the details.
Name of Fellowship: United Church of God
Date: November 22, 2008
Messenger: Lee Burke
Topic: Holy Convocation
"Whoever watches the wind will not plant;(NIV): Ecclesiastes 11: 4 & 6
whoever looks at the clouds will not reap."
Sow your seed in the morning,
and at evening let not your hands be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.
There are no excuses for missing the holy convocations of God. In fact you are to make ample provision and preparation each week in order to attend.
The LORD has a requirement of us, but we attempt to make excuses. He requires us to meet at certain times of the year, but we excuse ourselves from those meetings. We do not attempt to plan and prepare to make those appointments.
When it was first given to Israel, G-d sought to teach the people that they need to prepare in advance for the Sabbath (Exodus 16).
G-d has ordained a purpose in the convocations. He has designed them for us to get right perspective on life.
The Psalmist in in Psalm 73 - if he did not go into the sanctuary (in verse 17), may have given up on the way of G-d. But because of how G-d designed holy convocation, the Psalmist gained understanding and right perspective from attendance.
In Acts 15:21, the apostles in deciding what requirements were necessary for the new Gentile converts, expected them to attend the sabbath readings at the synagogues in whatever town they were. At the sabbath holy convocations, the Torah or the Law was read, and people would learn G-d's law and requirements through these readings.
The holy convocations provided training in the Law of G-d and his requirements. Missing those convocations, meant missing out on the lessons that G-d would have us know that day. The Law is read on Sabbaths to keep us informed. When we are informed we can better do what G-d requires of us. On judgement day, we will have no excuses for disobedience, as we had ample opportunities to attend the holy convocations to be informed of G-d's requirements.
It is very important that we study the Torah/Law. JESUS taught that the Law spoke about salvation and about him (Luke 24:44-47). In fact, the scriptures (Law, Prophets and Psalms) contain the basic tenets of the Christian's gospel:
- The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day,
- repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
There are those with the habit of missing the assembly, which G-d has designed for us to know the ways of life and to understand our purpose for existence and his purpose for our lives.
These convocations are where G-d wants us to be at the appointed time - to work upon us (Exodus 31:13). G-d uses these appointed times to set us apart and to sanctify us, making us different from the world.
When we miss the Sabbaths as a people and a nation, we miss the opportunity for G-d to work on us and we open up our world and our nation to evil (Ezekiel 22:24-31).
It is for our benefit that the Sabbaths were instituted, and as such we have a great responsibility in making it a delight (Isaiah 58:13-14). We must look forward to it, plan for it and prepare for it, and ensure that we take the time to make it a delightful day.
There are no excuses for disobeying G-d in not observing the Sabbath and attending the holy convocations.
In fact, G-d expects that we will prepare for it each week, putting in place provisions and preparations to keep the appointments. G-d expects us to make the effort to meet the appointments. In addition, we must see to it that we make the effort to make the appointment interesting and delightful.
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