Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I asked My Prime Minister

I asked my Prime Minister,
You are always seeking foreign investment,
Why is it?

Our hotels are owned by foreigners,
Who feed our visitors foreign food,
And give them foreign music,

That there are two or more agencies,
Created by Jamaican Government,
To seek foreign investment,

Yet there is no small business Ministry.
Only a Ministry for large industry,

Though small businesses
Create the most employment
They are not the priority of Government,

Perhaps its is because, Prime Minister,
Small business owners do not fund your party,
And during election bids, they busy earning money,

Too busy to fund your campaigns and ads
Their money don't get you power,
For if Jamaicans were all entrepreneurs,
You would perhaps have no sponsor,

All your talk
Is job creation,
But through investment only,

You talk not of empowering
Jamaicans to create their own
Business opportunity.

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